I’m a grown-up and I love picture books. Maybe I’m not a very good grown-up. Sometimes I still wake up on Saturday mornings wanting to eat cereal and watch cartoons. I’m thinking this would be a much better start than watching all that bad news.
A great picture book reminds you of you. It reminds you of the simplicity of life. Words and illustrations work together to bring a smile, and if they are really doing their job, they give you goosebumps. Hopefully, everyone has had at least one picture book in their life to help them along, to make them less lonely, to laugh, cry, and feel a little empathy.
Here are three reasons everyone, including grown-ups, should be reading picture books.
Picture Books Have Less Text
Picture books are by definition, short on words and heavy on illustrations. Less writing means more space for the reader to make their own meaning. It is an opportunity for the reader to join in on the conversation, rather than passively listen in. Authors must choose each and every word wisely. I wonder if picture book authors learn to trust their readers or give them permission to make their own meaning while they read. It feels a bit like they are being generous with their ideas, allowing participation in the story.
With less writing, readers have the opportunity to continue the story, play with it a bit more. Perhaps there is more freedom to explore or wonder what could happen next, or what is happening somewhere else. I love it when authors create different versions of popular stories or tell the story from a different character’s perspective. Readers are allowed to dream and laugh and cry and learn in shorter more manageable chunks.
Picture Books are Full of Pictures
One of my favorite picture books is What Do You Do With a Problem, by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom. I have read it aloud to both children and adults and every time it is a meaningful experience. As the problem grows darker and bigger with each turn of the page, we also get to see hints of light and symbols of direction. This book would in no way be as powerful as it is without the pictures.
Sometimes, well meaning teachers will discourage readers from choosing picture books, or books with pictures in general. We worry that readers won’t be able to visualize the story for themselves. Good readers visualize when they comprehend, its part of the fun of reading, but who is to say illustrations do not ignite an even more imaginative experience?
Comprehension is a complex skill and picture books are just the tool to help readers build that skill. They help us notice and name our world or made-up worlds, and they help us identify ourselves in others, otherwise known as building empathy.
Picture Books Inspire More Authors
We see ourselves in picture books
Obviously, I love books. We need all kinds of texts in our lives. Picture books inspire us for all of the reasons above and more, but perhaps the most exciting reason we need them lies in our ability to see ourselves as authors. Although I haven’t published any books, I know the process isn’t easy. Still, we all have stories to tell. Maybe we will tell them in words, pictures, music, or poetry, but we must tell them. What if we weren’t so intimidated by writing or the process of publishing and we all just told our stories?
Let’s not forget the most important reason of all: Picture books are just a lot of fun. In this world where we are all trying to find a variety of ways to spend our time, reading sometimes gets the short end of the stick. I raise my voice along with this grown-up author who reads picture books regularly and not to a child, just for herself.
Will you join us? If you are interested in filling your life with a little more laughter, a lot more joy, and a whole world of empathy, I’ll be sharing my favorite picks over the next few months.
A little magic gives us the proper lenses with which to see the world and ourselves. The pixie dust, sparkles, and twinkle of a wand make things visible we would have never seen with our every day, unmagical eyes.
Teaching during this time, we can learn a lot from a young girl, living in tough times. Teaching like Cinderella helps us to have a little hope, want a little more, and be brave enough to enjoy the experience.
Having a Little Hope
“To wear dreams on one’s feet, is to begin to give reality to one’s dreams.”
Roger Vivier
I used to have a beautiful pair of silver sequined heels. Living on a dirt road in Colorado doesn’t make for the best care of silver sequin shoes, but having them just proved I was prepared. Imagine how happy my godmother would be to find that she had just a little less work to do. Yep, I’m that girl.
You know the kind of girl I’m talking about. She’s the kind of girl who has little mice for friends, she sings as she does her endless, meaningless chores, and when the birds wake her in the morning, she gazes out at the beautiful castle in the sky with a hint of hope.
Cinderella had hope, and that, my friends, is why so many of us love this classic and why it’s been reimagined so many times and in so many ways.
In Disney’s Godmothered, we get to see a twist of this same story in the modern world, where everyone has given up on happily ever after, or maybe even wanting more for themselves.
We also learn a valuable lesson about change. When I saw the godmother’s classroom, where all the godmothers in training go to learn, I immediately recognized it as the typical school setting. Teacher at the front, students in desks, ready to learn. What you just can’t miss in this version is that all the students are gray-haired and probably nearing a hundred.
They are also a bit bored out of their minds.
I get it. We want the comfort of our kids learning the way we learned. We believe it works and we are the proof.
Thank goodness a bumbling young fairy is brave enough to try something new.
And what we learn from her story is that we should listen more and talk less. While we are in the midst of change, and we are trying lots of new things, don’t forget to listen to your kids.
I hope we will find through all of this that what we really need in education has been there all along. It’s inside our students. Listen to them. Help them develop what is already there and our jobs become a lot more focused and a lot less overwhelming.
Having a Little Experience
We have to remember that Cinderella never wanted to go to the ball to marry the prince, it just happened. What she really wanted was to go to the ball to have the experience. She wanted to know what it felt like to be in the castle, to wear a nice dress, to even feel a little beautiful.
When her fairy godmother arrived, she ended up with a whole lot more, but the best gift she was given was the shoes.
The other gift her godmother gave her was a little confidence. It must have taken a lot of bravery for her to climb all those stairs to see inside the lives of the people who lived so differently.
The best part is that all of the tools the godmother gave were just an illusion. The true magic was inside the girl. She was already enough and more, and thank goodness the storytellers at Disney knew how to help us see her before she became a princess.
Teaching students to be more self-aware through Metacognition, Mindset and Mindfulness will build them into more self-directed learners. Self-directed learners are more likely to engage and find motivation because they recognize themselves as learners, rather than participants.
Motivation, or reasons for taking action, is a little hard to come by these days. Heck, motivation was a little expensive before the pandemic. Nowadays, you better have a whole lot of intrinsic drive saved up and a heaping tablespoon of purpose to push through to the other side. And what about your students? Purpose? Intrinsic motivation?
In my classroom, motivation was a sometimes thing. As in, sometimes my students were intrinsically motivated, and sometimes they were extrinsically motivated. As a professional, I knew it was a big part of my job to move them from extrinsic to intrinsic. Teaching is an art form in this way because this is where your creativity and enthusiasm can be powerful, and contagious.
At the end of each day, my students were given 30 minutes of “Your Time.” Everyone understood that most of the day was considered “My Time.” Really, it was communicated this way: “If you will do the things I and other teachers are asking you to do for most of the day, you will be given a fraction of time at the end of the day to do whatever you wish!” The lines between motivation and compliance get a little fuzzy here.
Is that a bargain or what? It worked so well because I could use this last bit of our day to catch the kids who needed some reteaching, or who were just not able to complete something for whatever reasons they had that day. It also saved me from having to threaten to take away their recess time, which ends up working against you in the long run.
Aside from the daily time compromise, there were other mostly successful tactics for getting kids to be compliant. Celebrations are an important part of life, and I wholeheartedly believe we should be celebrating our achievements big or small as often as possible. Incentives are pretty effective in the workplace, at home, and yes, at school. If I’m going to be at school every day, you can bet I’m looking for ways to make it more fun, and not everything is inherently fun. The possibility of earning an ice cream and movie party after learning all my math facts is just good stuff.
Of course, we are all finding ways to recreate what we were doing in the classroom before. We are digitizing as much content as possible, and striving for as much collaboration as we can get synchronously and asynchronously. However, engagement continues to be the missing piece. Even for those students who want to please, who will do everything they can to complete the tasks they are asked to complete, and even for the families who value everything their student’s teachers are sending out, the engagement gap threatens to grow at an alarming rate.
The Engagement Gap
As educators, we talk a whole heap about achievement gaps. Have you ever heard of an engagement gap? In the spring of 2016, pre-pandemic, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development published a report with the following profound statement about the purpose of said report.
Because achievement is unlikely to improve if students are not engaged in their education, finding ways to close the engagement gap is an essential goal to ensure that high school seniors graduate well prepared for the rigors of college and careers—and become well rounded, successful, contributing members of society.
Introduction, The Engagement Gap -Spring 2016
This report followed a previous report published in 2014 titled The State of America’s Schools: The Path to Winning Again in Education, where we come to the meat of my argument and the motivation 😉 behind this blog post.
The current focus on standardized testing assumes that all students should have a similar educational experience. We leave little time for students to figure out what they love to do and where their greatest talents lie. We waste time and talent.
Connie Rath, Gallup Education
The Self-Directed Learner
Students need to figure out what they LOVE to do, and WHERE their greatest talents lie. Let’s not waste any more time. Students can become more engaged, more motivated, and more successful, but they need to start with self-awareness.
It’s like the old parable of teaching a man to fish. Shall we continue to hope our students will be motivated to do the things we are asking them, or can we give them the skills to discover who they are, to value their uniqueness, and then to recognize their contribution?
This awesome student friendly rubric from Awordonthird.com identifies ways students can evaluate themselves as they move toward becoming more self-aware and more self-directed.
The 3 Ms: Metacognition, Mindset, and Mindfulness are just three of the many tools that are available for creating more self-awareness. These Ms were the foundation upon which I built my curriculum for each and every school year, and are also what I find to be most valuable as I continue to develop my own sense of self and purpose.
Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. I first learned about this concept in a PEBC conference a few years ago. This awesome article from Edutopia explains it as a way to “drive your brain.” When I first teach it to my students, I tell them it is just thinking about your thinking.
Teaching students about their brains, and how to have some control over its processes, is one of the most magical things we can do as educators. When we name and notice what we are doing or thinking, we are gaining self-awareness. I love the PEBC framework for teaching metacognition using thinking strategies. Visualizing, Inferring, and Determining Importance are a reimagining of the same reading and comprehension strategies teachers have been using for years. The captivating part comes when you notice yourself or someone else doing it and name it.
The naming and noticing that comes with teaching these strategies is where we start to uncover the real value in these strategies. When students understand that their brains are already doing these things, they start to see themselves as learners. They might even start to believe that they are capable of learning anything. Well, a teacher can dream, can’t she?
Ever since Carol Dweck gave the world her research on Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets, our brains have never been the same. Again, it reminds us that we have the ability to control our thoughts, and maybe even to some extent, the course of our lives.
If this were the case, we would all be living the high life. (Is that still a saying? I live in Colorado, so I’m thinking the meaning of this phrase has changed.) The concept of control is so closely related to the concept of self-directed. When we understand ourselves, we can better organize ourselves. I’m not saying you must be organized to be successful, but I do believe it to be a skill we should all strive to develop in order to better care for ourselves and others.
Big Life Journal has a wonderful resource for teaching your students about growth mindset. Probably one of my favorite parts of teaching growth mindset is the fact that mistakes are critical to learning.
This unit from Angela Watson has several weeks of step by step instructions for teachers and a student journal. I love the videos that were selected for this unit because they include some very well known people who have made tons of mistakes before creating success in their own lives.
Every day after lunch, my students would come in from recess with loads of complaints and problems. It could take up to 20 minutes of instructional time to resolve these issues. We decided to try something new.
As they entered the classroom, the lights would be low, and soft music would be playing. They could lay on the floor or sit anywhere in the room, but they had to be away from other students. They could doodle or write in their writer’s notebook, but they absolutely could not talk for ten whole minutes.
Here is one of my favorite videos to play on the Smartboard during this time.
We created an anchor chart showing the only reasons anyone could break the silence of that time. Some examples included aliens landing outside our classroom, someone was either bleeding a lot or throwing up, or if bigfoot walked into the room.
My students grew to love and look forward to this tiny bit of silence in the day. This became such a sacred time that they began to ask for it from their other teachers. What an awesome example of a student advocating for themselves and recognizing a need. All for the price of just ten minutes a day.
What are your students looking forward to each day? How are they motivated, and how do they engage in your lessons? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments.
Sometimes we just need ideas that are so far out of the box, so unexpected, that our eyes widen enough to see a bigger picture. One of my favorite things about teaching was the random and wonderful thoughts kids share at any given time.
Back in the 19s
I recently overheard a ten year old talking about something that happened back in the 19s. The 19s? After a moment I realized he was talking about a time that was very long ago. Almost the 1900s. When I say the 70s, 80s, etc, he thinks, “oh, back in the 19s.” Its so mind boggling to me, but this is what I mean. We need more of this kind of thinking.
Pixar storytellers use “what if” as the seed for growing awesome stories. A previous post explains how teaching creative writing in this way made writing stories less stressful, and way more fun for the kids. Most fictional stories can be simplified into a single what if sentence. Think of your favorite movie and try to explain it in one sentence beginning with What if.
The following is a list of wacky ‘what if’ story lines that were made into movies.Not only are the story lines attention grabbing, the characters and special effects in these movies are truly “special,” and they are all from the 19s.
The Dirt Bike Kid 1985
The Dirt Bike Kid
What if there was a motorcycle who wanted to help a boy save a hot dog stand from a mean old tycoon who is going to tear it down? The Dirt Bike Kid is a little known action adventure flick that is nothing short of fantastic. This motorcycle has an attitude problem, but a big heart. Just as you would expect, the motorcycle gets into trouble and gets arrested. As in, the officer actually places handcuffs on the handlebars. You’ll just have to see it to believe it.
Lots of great movies, great music, and well, great everything came out of the 80’s. I thank my lucky stars to have grown up with no internet, no cell phone, and endless hours to watch MacGyver and The Goonies. Angus MacGyver and Mikey Walsh have inspired me to be resourceful, optimistic, and above all, to believe anything is possible.
While The Dirt Bike Kid has nothing on an epic, life changing, timeless story like The Goonies, it resembles it in some ways. The kids are the underdogs, and the heroes.
The Cat From Outer Space 1978
The Cat From Outer Space
Imagine a movie about a talking magical alien cat. What if there was a planet filled with cats that were so highly intelligent that they moved things with their minds? No need for opposable thumbs!
Disney’s The Cat From Outer Space is “Supurr-natural.” Yes, I am quoting that line from the trailer. The humans in this movie are your typical scientists, not skeptical at all that a cat can talk and move things with its mind. That’s what I love about scientists: they’ll believe anything!
Best of all are the special effects. Sometimes you can’t even see the wires carrying that physicist through the air! And when Jake (the alien cat) uses his powers to freeze bad guys, the pixels get a bit fuzzy, but it takes a ton of talent to stand that still.
What if the ghost of a pirate could free himself of a curse by helping others? The mostly drunk, but lovable, Blackbeard the Pirate is my favorite ghost of all time. He fights in his sleep, sings all day and night, and behaves a bit like a toddler who doesn’t get what he wants.
Just try not to laugh when you see how confused the mobsters are when the track coach is able to take them out using his hands in the form of a gun while saying “pow pow.” I would have loved to be in the room when the writers and actors were thinking up this scene.
I need a break from realistic. These quirky and of off-the-wall ideas remind me to be more playful, laugh at silliness, and take myself, and others, a lot less seriously. Some would say life is so confusing as it is, and I agree. Lets stop trying to figure everything out and think of some fun stories to tell instead.
What are some of your favorite story lines? Leave a comment and we could try to guess the movie!
I am focusing most of my efforts this year on being hospitable,” the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, ” as defined by google. As the anxiety of what that statement will mean for me rises, I plan to practice this skill on ideas first, and people later.
May the Force be with you
Perhaps the reason I feel the need to be hospitable this year, is because I feel like something is coming. Something awesome. This is to be the year of the cinnamon roll, as I explained in my previous post.
On New Year’s Eve, I met a 7 year old boy, with a light saber, and a fresh padawan haircut. He told me to have a very happy new year. What happened next confirmed my suspicion that 2020 is going to be epic. I swear the he looked right into my soul and said, “May the Force be with you.” Oh yeah, and…. it was his birthday.
Now, there are too many incredible things about this to deny this was a specific message and blessing coming to me from a true Jedi in training. I mean, how is this different than if I had met a genuine medicine man, in Bali, reading my palm and proclaiming my future? It isn’t. Technically, only one of these things could actually happen in real life, as Elizabeth Gilbert described in Eat, Pray, Love.
According to Wookieepedia, a site I have recently discovered for all things Star Wars, when someone says “May the Force be with you,” they are wishing you well in the face of an impending challenge. I am wise enough to know that the year ahead is paved with boulders and sheer drop offs, so how to honor the blessing I received ?By getting organized and making a plan.
Creating a space
The writing nook formerly known as office closet
Goal setting reminds me a little too much about being SMART, and lets just say, I’m taking a little break from that for now. Instead, I’m choosing to focus on building habits. Creating a habit becomes so much easier when you set up a supportive environment.
Throughout life, I have always shared space with others. It seems like a luxury to have a whole room to myself. I mean a place to close the door and decorate the walls with whatever I want. So, I decided to give myself our office closet. It’s just big enough to be hospitable. Marion Roach Smith teaches that “being hospitable begins with preparing a clean, well-lighted desk, and reporting to it each day,” in her book The Memoir Project. The closet is all cleaned out, and ready to host lots of ideas.
My little closet will now and forever be lovingly referred to as the writing nook, which is just so much more inviting. For now, its an affordable space for ideas to stay on a budget. Hopefully, it will be renovated someday to a quaint cottage with a garden, or a mountain resort where ideas are making reservations in advance to make their way into my writing.
Value your work
Little ways of being hospitable to ideas
In spite of not having a “writing nook” over the past year, I have still established a writing habit. Spiral bound notebooks are the easiest for me to fill. They are cheap, and therefore less pressure, and they provide the space. I was being hospitable without even knowing it. It’s not like I was providing a bed and breakfast for ideas, but they could crash on my couch. I mean, I’m not a monster.
Most importantly, my new writing nook is not only a gift, but its physical proof of a promise I am making to myself. I can do this, my work is important. Heck, I’m using it right now to write this post. It’s quiet, and all my resources are handy. I know I don’t need the space to create. That in itself is proof that I can do this. I truly do have everything I need already inside me to become an author. Maybe it will even help me be more welcoming to people?
I am not a Jedi in training, nor is it my birthday. Maybe you are already hospitable to ideas and people. Still, I hope that whatever comes this year the Force will be with you.
There is a wonderful children’s book called Like Butter on Pancakes by Johnathan London that describes the perfect day in the country where the sun streams in and melts on your pillow. Butter on pancakes is an appropriate metaphor to describe the blessings and hardships of the year, and developing a habit of writing.
The pancakes, or the stuff the butter sits on
I really like butter, pancakes not so much. Even science is coming around to the fact that butter is probably good for you. Turns out, pancakes are just the thing that holds all the good stuff. You can’t just eat a plate of butter and syrup. I guess you could, but you might not feel very good about it.
This year has been a plate full of pancakes. Like, all you can eat pancakes for me, emotionally. Remember, I said I don’t really like pancakes. They aren’t even sweet enough to be called cakes. They are just a flat piece of heavy kinda cooked dough. 2019 was a giant stack of dry, thick pancakes that I could’ve choked on if not for the butter.
In order to tackle the stacks, I set a goal at the beginning of 2019 that I would write 500 words every day. In order to stop complaining, I started a blog and named it Rachel What If.. and even published something almost every month. A brain dump in a spiral notebook each morning is an invaluable way to put things in their proper place, instead of vomiting them in random conversations where they don’t belong.
Butter, or the good stuff I’ve learned
Aside from the constant love and support of my family as I struggled through this year, developing a writing habit has been the butter. Butter makes everything richer, easier to swallow. Here are the big takeaways from this year:
You have to understand yourself before you can understand others.
Stop being so disappointed in yourself so you can stop being disappointed in others.
When you love yourself fully, you listen to your tears, are compassionate about your shortcomings, and understand your anxiety as a gift from your better, wiser self.
Love and fear can be in the same room at the same time, but fear cannot be the one making any decisions.
Writing is how I introduce myself to myself. It is how I find out things I thought I had forgotten. It is how I discover what I really think, and how I get rid of all the stuff that doesn’t matter.
If I could eat anything for breakfast, without guilt, or gaining lots of weight, it would be warm gooey cinnamon rolls. There is butter all through those babies. In fact, maybe 2020 will be the year of the cinnamon rolls.
As I think about this last year, I wouldn’t take back a single pancake. While considering what to call the blog a year ago, I settled on Rachel What If because what if is the very beginning. It’s the place where all good stories start.
I’ve been reading Stephen King’s book On Writing, and this morning, he reminded me again why the name of my blog is so appropriate. He says on page 169, “The most interesting situations can usually be expressed as a What If question.” Reading this at this time, I know it’s more than a coincedence. The year of writing that began with a What If question: What if I am a writer? It’s pretty cool to have lived a year of it.
Look what I just found laying around the house. Coincidence? I think not.
According to visitsedona.com, “Sedona has the ability to transform lives.” Having visited recently with my mom and sisters, I don’t know that my life has been transformed, however, we did experience a bit of transcendence.
Now hold on, before you assume that we were running around naked, chanting around a bonfire, or sitting on mats in true yogi form, lets define transcendence. It’s just a word that means beyond the normal, or average ordinary experience.
Girls Trip!
Oak Creek Canyon
The Descent into Transcendence
While driving through Oak Creek Canyon, into Sedona, I remember being so inspired that I was actually talking to myself, out loud…alone… in my car. The drop into the canyon is unexpected,and the scenery dramatically changes from the generally flat, desert terrain of the Colorado plateau to the steep red rock canyons. The creek is shaded with lush cottonwood, maple, and willow trees, which are a rare treat for us South westerners. This makes for a “beyond normal” experience, while the curving road offers opportunities for discoveries around every bend.
Paddle boarding, Hiking, and Biking
Sedona is like Disney World for outdoor enthusiasts. There is no way you could do it all in a weekend. My sister booked the perfect house for us to stay that comfortably fit all of us. There was even a trail that began right in our driveway.
Our first day, we decided to look for nearby paddleboarding, which actually ended up being about a 30-45 minute drive. Well worth it for us because this was a big reason for our get together. This area is hard to find, so check out this site for more info.
From desert to jungle? Paddle boarding is scarce, but we found it.
Paddling under the Toozigoot Bridge
The second day of our trip, we wanted to hit Slide Rock State Park, which is one of Travel Channel’s top ten swimming holes. It was so crowded we couldn’t park anywhere within a mile walking distance to the entrance. We decided instead on a hike recommended by our house hosts called “The Crack.” The info we found claimed it was only about a 3.5 mile hike one way, but it still took us at least an hour and a half to get there. The swimming hole was absolutely breathtaking!
We also managed to find the time to do a loop on our bikes on the Bell Rock Pathway .
The Bell Rock Pathway was perfect riding for us. We like to think we are a little more than beginning riders.
Finding Transcendence in the Vortex
All of us are constantly searching for our needs to be met in various ways. While preparing to become a teacher, I studied Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it applies to children and adults. I love the the way this theory neatly organizes and explains human behavior. I’d like to think that our girls trip was so fulfilling because it met our needs at every level. Of course our sense of belonging being the biggest chunk. What is even more interesting, is that Maslow later added transcendence to the top of the pyramid. He explained, ” A person is motivated by values which transcend beyond the personal self.”
Having never heard of such things as vortexes, (vortices?) we had no idea that our girls trip would be smack dab in the center of one. Maybe there is a little truth to Sedona’s claim to changing lives. Turns out, we were filling each other’s need to laugh, connect, and support each other. We transcended our every day lives by being together.
Vortex or not, we were inspired by the beauty of the earth and the connections of our hearts. We were recharged by challenging ourselves in physical adventures, or relaxing on our deck together. We were uplifted by each other’s love and support, and the majestic views. If you get the chance to go, don’t expect to be transformed. Instead, look for opportunities of transcendence.
When the leaves change in Southern Colorado, the display of colors kind of demand your attention. Fall is beautiful, but, for me, it has a way of bringing with it feelings of loneliness, and somehow I start to feel a little bit invisible. I’m sure it has to do with how busy my family gets in the back to school, back to sports, back to business as usual, that I start to actually mourn the loss of our carefree summer months. This year, I’m getting a very clear message to pay attention, and that I have a whole lot in common with a leaf.
Yellow Yellow Yellow
Yellow is my favorite
Did you know when leaves change from green to yellow, orange, or red, those colors were actually there all along? The leaves themselves are not actually changing, it’s their environment that is. The days are shorter and colder, which forces the plant to stop making chlorophyll. This causes the green to disappear, allowing the other colors to become visible. The most vivid and common color: yellow.
Yellow has always been my favorite color. It’s so cheerful and sunny. It’s not all loud and energetic like red. I do like green as well, which reminds me of abundance and life. Sometimes, I feel other colors, or want to love them, but yellow has always been what I most identify with.
Not invisible, just hidden
So you see, like those leaves, I have discovered that I am not invisible. It’s okay to be all covered up in green for a while. As I said before, I like green. I love my life and am so abundantly blessed. What I am trying to say here is that I believe fall is happening just for me this year. Sorry everyone else. When you look out at the landscape, what is the color you see most? Yellow. I kinda feel bad too, because Summer has always been my favorite season and truthfully it always will be. But this year, I’m getting a great big hug from fall. It feels so good.
Fall canyon
Molli with fish!
He let me have this one.
It seems extra important during the changing seasons to get outside and experience it. Why else do people jump in huge leaf piles but to get the season literally all over them? Mostly, I wrote this post so I could show off my pictures of us getting outside to get fall all over us. However, I have been feeling a little invisible lately, and not in the way that would be awesome if you were a super hero. I hope fall is happening just for you this year too. I also hope you know you are not invisible either! (Unless you really want to be 🙂
Jason, on the bridge to the Silverton cabin.
My dog Blue
As always, thanks for reading and for your awesome support.
What if the universe really is sending us hints or messages and we call it coincidence?
I decided to start a blog as a way to get ideas out in a digital way. Because, ya know, what if I decide to write a book someday? One of the very first steps was to create a name for the site. It is a lot of pressure to come up with a name that captures your personality, your blog content, your ideas, etc. Especially when all I was focused on was just setting up a blog and not really creating any content.
In order to avoid a road block to the daunting task of blogging, I started to think about what I could name the site. I had recently been to a professional development for teachers where the concept of “what if” came up. What if the problem presented to students could be changed in some small way after they had solved it? How would this change our perspective? How does this change the way we think? For some reason this stuck with me.
It hit me again while trying to think of a name for this site. The words “what if” actually do describe my personality and the way I constantly think. It keeps me creative and hopeful. I hate to think that there is only one way, or that the world really is what we think it is.
Back to this idea of coincidence. Today, I needed to search for some resources to help teach my 4th graders how to be good storytellers. I came across an excellent resource that I thought was only for math and science: Khan Academy. One of the courses they offer is led by Pixar story artists! (Is it weird I had just bought Salman Khan’s book The One World Schoolhouse? I’ve never even looked at his site before.)
Stick with me, it gets even better. The second or third lesson offered in the story telling course on Kahn Academy is called “What if…” Pixar uses what if statements as the foundation for great stories. Connection: What if this blog is the foundation for my great storytelling? I’m tearing up now just putting this all together. So to answer my what if question for today: I choose to believe that universe, God, greater good is mindful of me and guiding me to take action on my dreams. I’m excited for many more what ifs to come.